Friday, 15 May 2015

Know your own city with Pashatuks- Gazipur Fish market,Delhi

A first view of the market
There is a sizeable number of fish eating people in New Delhi and adjoining areas. The general perception is that people from the eastern belt and coastal regions are fish eaters, which may be true to a certain extent.

the way fish is packaged from the waterfronts
However with more awareness settling among people about the medicinal and cosmetic benefits(fish eaters have better hair and skin, lower on lipids etc) of Fish, we find that the fish eating community is increasing.

Some available varieties

All fish sold in the capital city is sourced from the Ghazipur wholesale market of Delhi.
Situated on the border of Delhi and Uttar Pradesh,towards the Delhi side (any local can guide you to the area once you are nearby the neighbouring Mayur Vihar area), this market is catering to the fish and poultry needs of Delhi and the National Capital Region.
For the connoisseurs- river snakes can be found here 

Pashatuks decided to check out the place and give you all a first hand report.
Like any other fish market, this one could be identified from a distance from its strong fishy smell.Car parking is free and theres no space paucity.
A normal day for our vendor here
A walk through the stalls can make you realise that you are actually robbed when you buy fish outside this market.
Prices out here are a fraction of the cost of what is generally available in local sub markets.The reason being that even your local fishmonger gets his daily produce from here. Fish has to be purchased whole, even the bigger ones.
The exotic sting ray- careful while cleaning it

The variety of water produce, right from normal fish to the more exotic squids, clams and even snakes are available. All big eateries procure their raw material from here and for the best option one should go there around 7 am in the morning. If you land later than 9 am, you will find an empty market
Delhi doesnt have any direct source for seafood, yet excellent options are available here, be it tiger prawns, or lobsters or crabs  or mussels or squids- the list is endless.
The only drawback that we found was that marketing has to be done in lots, so we suggest that you gather a few friends and go shopping and split the purchases. One can even get the big fish cut and cleaned there for a fee of INR 10 per kilo of fish cut.
Pashatuks suggests that you carry your own bags as fish is not generally available in polybags or carrybags and one has to buy their own polythene bags.
Happy shopping while you explore- go ahead fish around and give us your feedback

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